While it is a pure delight to see a vintage Chevrolet Corvette in motion, there are many occasions where the sports car will be brought to a standstill. When stopped, a properly functioning parking brake is needed to properly secure the…
Attaching to the rear trailing arm, this parking brake cable guide is designed to fit late second generation and third generation Chevrolet Corvettes. This Corvette reproduction rear parking brake cable guide has been manufactured to…
Your second or third generation Chevrolet Corvette is a dazzling sight in motion. However, there are so many times in the sports car’s life that requires it to be securely left at a standstill.
Important for holding your classic…
Keep your emergency/parking brake cable securely fastened with this stainless steel retainer clip, designed for 1965-1982 Chevrolet Corvette models. Made from durable stainless steel, this clip provides a strong and corrosion-resistant…
Ensure secure attachment and proper function of your parking brake shoes with this hold down plate, designed specifically for 1965-1982 Chevrolet Corvette models. This factory-correct hold down plate provides reliable support for the…
Many would say a classic Chevrolet Corvette would look equally as attractive at a standstill as it is when the vehicle is in motion. A functioning parking brake will be essential for keeping your Corvette safe and stationary. For 1965-1982…
Restoration Correct Parking Break Cable Equalizer Center Brake Cable Runs Through Equalizer Which Attaches To Threaded End Of Front Park Cable Fits 1967-1981 Camaro Standard, SS, RS, Z29, LT and Berlinetta Your Camaro needs a functioning…
Reproduction Of Original 1 Set Per Car Holds Front Cable & Both Rear Cables in Place These little clips serves a critical purpose to your Camaros emergency parking brake system. Typically overlooked or ignored in the restoration or…
The parking brake of a second or third generation Chevrolet Corvette proves exceptionally important when the sports car is at rest on a hill or even a driveway. For 1964-1982 Corvettes, this replacement parking brake cable return spring…
This Corvette Park Brake Shoe Spring will ensure the proper functionality of your parking brake, an important component of any vehicle as it prevents your car from rolling and possibly causing catastrophic damage.
Important for triggering the parking brake for occasions when your classic Corvette is at-rest on a hill, driveway or a cruise night, this front parking brake cable is a suitable replacement for 1967-1982 variants of the favourite sports…
While there is so much importance placed on the movement of a classic Chevrolet Corvette, moments when the car is at rest requires the reliable operations of several components. Serving the role of balancing cable tension to ensure equal…
Our 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972 Chevelle parking brake guide small hooks are made from the highest quality material to the correct length. We have spent countless hours comparing original small hook A-Body Chevelle…
Attaches to the end of the parking brake equalizer lever
Creates adjustable tension on the parking brake cables when the lever handle is pulled
Constructed from steel and zinc plated for long-lasting durability
Cut as needed for…
Accurate "Spiral Wound" Intermediate Cable as Original
All Stainless Steel Cables To Exact Factory Specifications
79" Intermediate Emergency Brake Cable
Your Camaro needs a functioning parking brake system and all of these…
Our 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972 Chevelle TH350 or manual transmission parking brake large guide hooks are made from the highest quality material to the correct length. We have spent countless hours comparing…
Accurate Reproduction Heat Treated Stamped Steel Spreads Brake Shoes When Emergency Brake Is Applied Kit Includes Park Brake Lever, Horizontal Guide Bar And Spring Replaces GM Part Number: 458484 Your parking rebuild can be…
OE Quality heat treated reproduction stamped steel park bake lever kit. GM 9-1/2" rear brakes. Kit includes park brake lever, horizontal guide bar and spring. GM Part #: 458483 AC Delco #: 179-2012
Accurate Reproduction Heat Treated Stamped Steel Spreads Brake Shoes When Emergency Brake Is Applied Kit Includes Park Brake Lever, Horizontal Guide Bar And Spring Replaces GM Part Number: 458483 Your parking rebuild can be…
OE Quality heat treated reproduction stamped steel park bake lever kit. GM 9-1/2" rear brakes. Kit includes park brake lever, horizontal guide bar and spring. GM Part #: 458484 AC Delco #: 179-2013
Good Quality Reproduction For All Transmissions Except TH-400 Correct Lengths Includes Front Cable, Center Cable, Two Rear Cables, Cable Connectors, Clips, Hooks & Miscellaneous Hardware
Reproduction of the rear park brake cable brackets for use on 1970-81 Camaro models. These brackets are used to hold the rear cables where they pass through the unibody at the rear leaf spring pocket.